To be performed at
The Garage, Norwich
18th – 21st October 2024
Shakespeare in Love: The Play
Based on the screenplay by Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard and adapted for the stage by Lee Hall, with music by Paddy Cunneen
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd.
Shakespeare in Love is a play with music. A romantic piece of historical fiction, the story centres around a young Will Shakespeare as he struggles to find his inspiration. Enter the feisty, aristocratic Viola de Lesseps, who longs to be an actor. The relationship they forge serves as inspiration for Will’s greatest play – Romeo and Juliet.
This stage adaptation of the 1998 film brings Shakespeare’s dialogue to the forefront and highlights its theatrical origins. Many of the plot devices employ tactics commonly found in plays of the Elizabethan age: cross-dressing disguises, mistaken identities, suspicions of adultery, sword fighting, a comedic nurse, and even visions of ghosts are all present, as is the enduring “play-within-a-play” convention that Shakespeare fondly adopted for many of his works.
Echo Youth Theatre is looking for young performers aged 14-18 years old to audition for this show.
Cast Members must be age 14 by 1st Sep 24 and no older than 18 years of age on 21st Oct 24.
If over 16, cast members must be in full-time education.
We do not intend to double-cast this show, so you will be required for all shows.
Rehearsing at St Edmund’s Church Fishergate NR3 1SE
Rehearsals will start Tue 13th Aug 24.
Rehearsals will be:
in August: Tuesdays & Thursdays 6pm to 8.30pm and Sundays 10am to 3pm
in September/October: Tuesdays 6pm to 8.30pm and Sundays 10am to 3pm
We do not routinely call all cast to all rehearsals and you are only required to attend the rehearsals you are called for. A full schedule is available on the link below – this is a draft schedule and subject to change, so we will be expecting good availability for all rehearsals.
During the audition process, you will be asked to let us know of any planned absences – please know your commitments.
We will try to accommodate absences that we know about in advance and we understand holiday absence during August, but you must declare these dates on application.
Auditionees with excessive absences or who are unavailable for key dates may not be cast, but please come and audition if you are keen to be in the show and discuss any issues you have with us.
Please be honest about any prior commitments. Frequent, undeclared absences could result in being removed from the show during the rehearsal process. If your planned absences have been agreed upon by the team in advance and you are cast in the show, your absence will not be an issue.
Auditions will be at St Edmunds Church Fishergate NR3 1SE
Audition applications are now open.
Please make sure you have read all the audition information before applying and understand the rehearsal commitment.
Prior to our auditions, we will be holding an information evening for members and potential members, plus parents. There is no obligation and no need to have already booked an audition, just come along and see and hear what we are about. We will talk about the show, roles, rehearsals and the audition process.
Information Evening
Mon 8th July 24 :
7pm – 8pm
Everyone auditioning will need to attend on Thursday 18th July 6.30 -8.30pm
During this workshop, you will work in groups on ensemble movement and character scenes.
Everyone auditioning will need to attend one of two Audition sessions on Saturday 20th July.
10:00-13:00 – Audition Session 1
14:00-17:00 – Audition Session 2
During this session, you will perform your solo auditions in front of the panel and the other auditionees at your workshop. You will be asked to work in pairs for some auditions and therefore may be asked to read in for the other characters in the audition scenes.
All auditionees are asked to prepare at least one of the character audition pieces in the Audition Pack.
If you are auditioning for ensemble or another named part not on the audition pack list, you can choose any one of the given pieces to audition with. If you are auditioning for one of the roles named in the audtion pack, you will need to prepare all the scenes in the pack for that character.
Notes for all auditionees:
Full details on what to prepare for the auditions are in the audition information folder – link below.
In order to fully commit to the audition, you are expected to learn at least one of the audition pieces and be prepared to sight read the others.
Whilst you may only audition for one character, you will be considered for other roles.
Cast members must be full time education – sixth form or secondary education and must be aged 14 by 1st Sep 24 and no older than 18 as at 21st Oct 24.
The costs for cast are:
- The show fee for cast members will be £60 and this will be required by 8th Sep 24. If this will cause any difficulties, please speak to us and we can discuss payments in instalments or financial support options from our sponsorship fund.
- All costumes are provided and cast members are not expected to provide or purchase costumes, other than under-garments and possibly footwear.
Agreement to photographic and video consent for internal use and external marketing is a prerequisite for casting.